5 signs that tell you it’s time to move your senior parent out of their Houston home

by Dec 17, 2022

As your parents age, you may start to notice small changes in their health. They may be a little more forgetful, or have a harder time keeping up with their usual routine. These changes can be normal part of aging, but sometimes they can be early warning signs of more serious health issues. If you’re starting to worry about your parent’s health, here are five signs that it might be time for them to move out of their current home in Houston:

They’re no longer able to take care of the Houston home like they used to

On a video call or visit with your parents, you may be a little shocked when you see your dad struggling to do basic home repairs himself. Your mom might complain about aches and pains that weren’t there before when cleaning hard to reach places in the living room. Unfortunately, these little problems may be worse over time as they age, and it might not be the best idea to let them manage a home on their own.

Unless you can afford a stay-in housekeeper, gradually warming them up to the idea of moving to a senior living community might be the next best step.

They’re not eating well or taking care of their personal hygiene

Their routine is starting to slip

Seniors who are showing early signs of Dementia or Alzheimer’s will likely forget the little things first. After years of showering in the morning, your senior parent might forget to do this for a day or two. You might notice that they may have lost some weight, probably due to the fact that it’s getting harder and harder for them to feed themselves on their own.

The first step: empathize

The first thing to do is to empathize with them when you notice these small signs. Ask them about their difficulties and listen carefully when they open up to you. And after you’ve talked, try asking them if they’re open to see your local Houston doctor so they can get checked for any cognitive diseases that might be affecting them.

They’re becoming more isolated and don’t want to see people anymore

They don’t choose to be anti-social

Gone are the days when your senior parent would show up at the local Houston tennis court to play a game with their friends or plan an impromptu trip abroad to decompress from the everyday stresses that come with working a nine-to-five and taking care of children. This is not because they’re choosing to be anti-social—but rather, they may be experiencing mobility issues that normally come with aging.

In-person gatherings might be too stressful

You might notice your parents opting to message their friends on Facebook instead of inviting them out to dinner. They might be cranky or dismissive when you try to bring up the possibility of a tiny gathering at your Houston family home. It’s important to sit down with them and get to the root of their apprehensions, so you can see if there are bigger problems with home management and daily living.

Their bills are piling up and they’re having trouble paying them

There are two reasons why your senior parents may be late on a few billings:


Memory problems

It will be easier to spot this problem. If they seem a bit lost when you ask them when their bills are due, you’ll likely have to gently open up to them regarding other issues they may have while maintaining their Houston home.

Financial issues

Any monthly stipend or retirement pay they’ve been receiving may not be enough. Offering to help cover part of their day-to-day expenses while living in Houston might be a good short-term solution. However, try to run the numbers on your own and see if a senior living community will be a better investment for your parents.

You’re worried about their safety and wellbeing

Common safety concerns include your senior parent stumbling while walking or getting lost on their way to a very familiar destination, like the local grocery. If you can’t afford a caregiver or nurse to look after them 24/7, moving your parent to a senior living community will do wonders for your peace of mind.

We are the easy button when it comes to moving seniors in Houston

It can be difficult to see our parents struggling as they age. Maybe your parent is no longer able to take care of the house like they used to, or maybe they’re not eating well and their personal hygiene has gone down the tubes. They may have become more isolated and don’t want to see people anymore. Bills are piling up and they’re having trouble paying them. You’re worried about their safety and wellbeing.

If this sounds familiar, it might be time for you help your senior parent transition into a new stage of life with Ohana Legacy Properties. We can recommend senior living communities that will make your parent feel safe and comfortable while also providing the necessary support services so they don’t have to worry about things like cooking, cleaning, or paying bills. Plus, we can help you sell your Houston home fast to us for a fair price while helping you declutter in the process! Contact us today to learn more.


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