Grieving a Parent and Navigating the Probate Process in Houston

by Feb 3, 2023

The passing of your parent can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed. On top of the emotional toll, there is also the practical matter of navigating probate in Houston. Knowing where to start can be intimidating, but understanding the process can help make it more manageable. Let’s break down what you need to know about probate in Houston after your parent’s passing.

The Basics of Probate

When a person passes away, their estate must go through probate before it is distributed to their heirs. Probate is a legal process that involves proving that a will is valid, locating and inventorying assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing assets to heirs.
Depending on the size of the estate, this process can take anywhere from six months to two years or more. In Houston, probate typically takes place in the county where your parent was living when they passed away.

What Are My Responsibilities During Probate?

When you are going through probate in Houston, Texas, you may be asked to take on certain responsibilities as part of the process. These might include gathering information about your loved one’s assets and debts, filing documents with the court and providing notice to creditors and potential heirs or beneficiaries.

You may also have to pay certain fees associated with the probate process such as filing fees and taxes on any property that was owned by your loved one when they passed away. It’s important that you understand all these responsibilities so that you can complete them correctly and efficiently while respecting any time limits set by the court.

Navigating Probate as an Heir

If you are named as an heir in your parent’s will or if they did not have a will at all (known as intestacy), then you are entitled to receive assets from their estate upon completion of the probate process. It is important for you to stay informed throughout this process so that you can ensure that all debts and taxes are paid off before any remaining assets are distributed among heirs.

You may want consider working with a lawyer who specializes in probate law so that you have someone on your side who understands how it works and knows how best to protect your interests as an heir.

Working with Experts

In addition to working with an experienced lawyer who specializes in probate law, there may be other professionals who can help make this challenging time easier for you.

For example, an accountant could assist with filing tax returns; or if your parent owned real estate property or had investments such as stocks or bonds, then hiring a financial advisor might be helpful too.

Additionally, if there are disputes between heirs regarding distributions from the estate then seeking advice from an attorney would be beneficial for everyone involved.

Facing probate after losing a loved one can seem daunting at first—and it certainly isn’t easy—but having a good understanding of what needs to be done and enlisting support from experienced experts along the way can help make the process smoother and less overwhelming for all involved. If you find yourself struggling with grief while navigating probate after your parent’s sudden passing in Houston, please know that help is available; reach out for support whenever it feels right for you during this difficult time so that you don’t have to face it alone.

Consulting a Probate Real Estate Specialist

As daunting as it may be, there are ways to avoid probate entirely. Ohana Legacy’s probate real estate specialists can provide you with understanding, reliable service so you aren’t overwhelmed during your time of grief.

As experienced professionals, we know that it might seem like an insurmountable task to clear out all your loved one’s belongings after they’ve passed–not to mention what to do with property they’ve left behind. Not only can we purchase the property ourselves with a fair cash offer attached, but we can also help you systematically organize all the assets you need to even if your senior loved one did not leave behind a clear will and testament.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.


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